La Saison Indigulouse

So, here we are.
Wait, why are we here, where we are?
It's not an existential question. Unless it is, that is.
I mean: Why are we here on this web page, you and I?

Well, let's start with you. You appear to know how to operate a web browser, you have some time on your hands (or perhaps some work to avoid), and have been somehow tricked into reading, viewing, and hearing this drivel. Too bad for you.
My reason for being here is that I want to collect my least-crappy arts and letters in a place that visitors can visit.
I have selectively published a lot of little drips and drabs on the web over the years. Not so easy to visit, really. For visitors, I mean.
I feel now is the time to collect mein artzen, polish them up, and build them into a (coughs) coherent portfolio for those who are (sneezes) interested.

I am someone who finds comfort in things like lists and categorical indexes.
I also like matrices and diagrams.
You may find some things like that laying around here. Please, don't be alarmed.

This page last updated 2011-03-18.
All materials Copyright 2011 by, unless otherwise explicitly noted.
Please notify us if you believe this website violates any U.S. copyright law, or that our copyrights are being violated by others.